December 2011

Moose Poop Souvenirs

Swizzle sticks, earrings, and more!
The idea of reindeer sausage might be a little bit mind-blowing to some people, but it's nothing compared to this little nugget of amazing: in Alaska, you can buy souvenirs made with moose poop. I don't know what insanity first prompted someone to shellac some moose poop and try to make a gag gift out of it. All I can say is, Alaskans are resourceful, and sometimes you have to work with what you've got.
Moose poop is a common find anywhere in Alaska that isn't actually paved. Moose are everywhere, and hundreds reside within the Anchorage bowl alone. You can find piles of moose poop in your yard, at the park, or on a nice stroll around the lake.

Reindeer Sausage

Yep, it's a real thing!
When I tell people what it was like to grow up in Alaska, I have learned that reindeer sausage is one of those things that really blows their mind. Like they want to be cool, they know that Alaskans don't all live in igloos or commute to work by dog sled. But reindeer sausage? That can't be a real thing, can it?
Oh yes, it certainly can. Most places offer it as a pizza topping, and a lot of restaurants offer it as a breakfast option.
And it's… okay, I guess. Honestly, I don't think anyone would ever be able to pick reindeer sausage out of a reindeer sausage line-up. If you did a blind taste test with seveal different kinds of sausage, do you really think you could tell the reindeer sausage from the beef, turkey, or pork sausage?