Killing Dogs: An Alaskan Specialty
The Iditarod looms, along with the specter of racing dog deaths
As an Alaskan (now living Outside) I have struggled with my feelings about the Iditarod since childhood. It's true that these dogs love to run, they were literally born to run, every fiber of their being tells them to RUN. But the older I get, the more I think that, as their caretakers, we owe it to our dogs not to run them to death.
And when you get right down to it, the Iditarod is a voluntary activity. No one has to do it. People choose to do it, and that's fine. But is it right for people to choose the Iditarod for their dogs? Shouldn't we be better conservators for them? A dog cannot, after all, really offer informed consent. It can just do what you ask it to do, and unfortunately what we ask them to do every year is risk their lives for a sporting event.